المتقدميين للدراسة الدكتوراه في قسم الكيمياء -كلية العلوم -جامعه ذي قار اليكم مفردات الامتحان التنافسي للمادة الكيمياء اللاعضوية
1- Atoms and electronic structure
2- Ionic bonding and Covalent bonding
3- Transition metal complexes and coordination chemistry (structures, isomers, bonding, electronic spectra, reactions and mechanisms)
4- Acids, bases and solvents
5- Symmetry and group theory
6- Redox chemistry
7- Properties of periodic table
8- Organometallic chemistry
9- 18-electron rule.
10- Bioinorganic chemistry
11- HSAB, VBT, MOT, CFT and VSEPR theory
1- Atoms and electronic structure
2- Ionic bonding and Covalent bonding
3- Transition metal complexes and coordination chemistry (structures, isomers, bonding, electronic spectra, reactions and mechanisms)
4- Acids, bases and solvents
5- Symmetry and group theory
6- Redox chemistry
7- Properties of periodic table
8- Organometallic chemistry
9- electron rule.18
10- Bioinorganic chemistry HSAB, VBT, MOT, CFT and V
التاريخ: 06-04-2024 | الوقـت: 02:42:38 مساءا |